- We come to your stable and select an appropriate saddle measured exactly for your horse.
- You can try various models of our saddles during fitting (2 hr) and you decide, which one is suitable for you. We will measure it and adjust it to suit your horse as well.
- Travel charge: 5 CZK per km (no tax included)
When we come for a fitting and trying the saddle models, we try to help people to better understand their horse, teach them exercises to engaged horseback. We do not sell just a saddle, we offer a very efficient system to help the horses and riders, which also includes flexisaddle. We prefer personal contact attitude to customer and his horse, so that’s the reason why you can not buy the flexisaddle Baloun ordinarily at stores with an equestrians products. Each saddle is custom made specially for individual horse and rider. Is not possible to by the Flexisaddle Baloun® without fitting proces by certified dealer.
Contact email: info@baloun-flexisaddles.cz.
The whole production of flexisaddles and other our products are produce inside of our workroom. Therefore we have a possibility to permanent control quality of products.